SMB Anti-Counterfeiting Solution to Detect and Remove Digital Threats
Managing a small or medium enterprise or business usually means that senior management takes care of, well, everything almost. You need innovation to come up with new products or services, you must have marketing skills and knowledge to make your business stand out from the competition, finance, managerial skills and even legal understanding. And what about online counterfeits and piracy? SME/SMB managers’ knowledge and skills working with digital platforms, are critical for communicating with customers and making the chain of supply leaner. New products are being copied instantly, usually within an hour from their first appearance in Amazon or eBay, and those fakes appear in many marketplaces simultaneously, usually located in far-east Asia. BrandShield helps to keep SME/SMBs alive and kicking, by finding counterfeit and piracy listings and pages, and taking them down. Protect your products and copyrights, protect your business.
Common Use Cases:
- Counterfeit Sales
- Piracy
- Copyright Violation
Common Platforms Used:
- Marketplaces
- Websites
- Social Media

SMB Anti-Counterfeiting Numbers You Need to Know
of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses.
Of small businesses are prepared to defend themselves against cyber attacks.
Of small businesses live for 5 years or less.
Be in Control
Manage your digital threat map to determine prioritization and focus in your battle against counterfeits.
Detect Clusters
BrandShield’s unique Patterns feature and Matrix section find clusters of scams anywhere anytime.
Enforcement Experts
Experienced and knowledgeable enforcement managers analyze your company threats to determine efficient course of action.

Proven ROI calculation to show effectiveness and contribution to company revenues.

Marketplace Monitoring
BrandShield monitors hundreds of marketplaces to efficiently detect and remove counterfeit goods.
Reports & Statistics
Periodic and other detailed reports with monitoring, detection and enforcement activities.
Some of the companies that work with us

I can’t begin to express the positive impact and contribution working with BrandShield has on our activity, sales and relationship with our distributors, whereby they see the effort that we have placed into protecting our products, offering them confidence in our products and brand protection capabilities.”
Moshe Gurevitch
VP of Sales