Welcome to BrandShield 3.0

The Ultimate Digital Risk Protection Platform

BrandShield is proud to launch BrandShield 3.0, setting new standards for the Digital Risk Protection industry once again. After months of work on the platform, revising the entire UI and enhancing infrastructure capabilities to deliver the most efficient and intuitive defense mechanism to help companies and brands protect themselves and their customers online.

Backed with top-tier legal expert takedown services, this upgrade puts BrandShield another step away from its competitors, offering a complete detection to takedown holistic digital risk protection plan.

What makes it THAT good?

We started planning BrandShield 3.0 with a goal to deliver the ultimate digital risk protection software to face new and growing challenges for brands and to create a robust infrastructure with state of the art AI-based analysis capabilities. The development of the new system’s architecture and user interface has taken months of careful planning and execution.

The new system enables to work faster and cover more items and more platforms, and to scale up and to protect more and more brands without compromising the protection level for current customers. BrandShield’s capabilities and success bring more interest from concerned brand owners. We value all our customers, and wanted to make sure no existing customer is hurt or suffers from malfunctions or service level drop.

Brandshield 3.0 provides a whole new level of customer experience to the brand protection industry. Our customers enjoy elaborated analysis and investigation tools (e.g.: Image search, cross-platform cluster detection, domain and website content analysis, and many more), accessible anywhere anytime and from any device.

Contact your account manager or sales rep to check BrandShield 3.0, and get a first glimpse of how brand protection looks in the future, now!

After launching the first brand protection software years ago, we have gathered a lot of information on scanned platforms, cluster detection, market demands, and bad actors’ way of operation. We implemented all this valuable information into innovative features and technology to optimize brand protection programs, and effectively enhance the quality of customer service.

Easy to use

BrandShield 3.0 is taking “Intuitive” to the next level. We unified system processes and pages, added advanced responsiveness capabilities, and easy on-site walk-thrus.


The new upgraded technology is faster, a lot faster. We understand the need for speed, especially in your line of business. It’s so fast, it will make the hackers’ hood spin.


Backed with state of the art technology BrandShield 3.0 contains more automated detection and clustering processes, enabling more takedowns in less time


Smart advanced infrastructure enables us to protect so many more brands simultaneously. Adding more brands enables to detect bigger scam clusters and cross brand fraud attempts.


The current BrandShield system is incredible, and provides top tier digital risk protection and brand protection solutions to global companies and brands. We have developed BrandShield 3.0 to meet future market requirements and to enable BrandShield to grow and provide our solution to more companies and brands. Moreover, we want to be able to improve the existing features and to introduce new ones with time.

The current BrandShield system is incredible, and provides top tier digital risk protection and brand protection solutions to global companies and brands. We have developed BrandShield 3.0 to meet future market requirements and to enable BrandShield to grow and provide our solution to more companies and brands. Moreover, we want to be able to improve the existing features and to introduce new ones with time.

The current BrandShield system is incredible, and provides top tier digital risk protection and brand protection solutions to global companies and brands. We have developed BrandShield 3.0 to meet future market requirements and to enable BrandShield to grow and provide our solution to more companies and brands. Moreover, we want to be able to improve the existing features and to introduce new ones with time.